Cause Index

Jerusalem Ministries

The destitute and homeless, who are overcoming various forms of addictions, are given accommodation and full lodging until they have work again, and are put through a program aimed at helping them fit back into society. Our program has been very successful and most references come from previous residents.

Destitute persons who desire to change - 160 men per year (25 men at all times.)

Our aim is to improve the quality of life for orphans and vulnerable children by providing:
• Pre-school education to Grade R
Quality Primary School education in the medium of English up to Grade 3.
• After school sport, fun and homework supervision.
• Emotional support for the entire family
• Food at the school and
• Food parcels for the family for all work done (all the cleaning and menial work needed at the centre is done by the parents and those caring for the children in return for food.)
• Access to our income generation projects - Training and life skills for the parents and those caring for the children.

250 Orphans and vulnerable children from Walmer Township (Gqebera)
120 families have full care.
150 children receive food only

Empowering and uplifting marginalized communities by addressing the physical, social, intellectual and spiritual needs of the individual, through strategic intervention, in partnership with the community.

Registered as Non Profit Organization 005-128-NPO
Public Benefit Organization
Auditors: Trevor Wait (Uitenhage)