Cause Index

Magen David Adom in South Africa

Magen David Adom is lsrael’s only medical emergency and blood bank service, depending on you to save more lives every single day.

Magen David Adom has 14,000 highly trained volunteers and 1,400 employees
Magen David Adom maintains a lifesaving network of 105 emergency ambulance stations
All Magen David Adom stations are linked by the most modern communication technology
Magen David Adom has a nationwide ambulance fleet of 750 lifesaving vehicles
Magen David Adom's 110 Mobile Intensive Care Units are equipped for immediate diagnosis and treatment in cardiac emergencies
Magen David Adom collects more than 280,000 units of blood annually, supplying all of the country’s blood needs and the needs of the Israel Defence Force
More than 3,000 patients in Israel are resuscitated by Magen David Adom teams every year
Every Magen David Adom ambulance driver must successfully complete a 144-hour First Aid course
More than 50,000 Israelis each year learn the basics of First Aid by attending Magen David Adom courses
35% of this cost comes from Magen David Adom organisations around the world