Cause Index

Thandanani Childrens Foundation

In KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 65% of children live in poverty; 23% live in overcrowded households; 36% live in households where no adult is employed; 11% lack regular meals; 16% have been orphaned; & 4.2% are HIV positive. Similarly, only 49% of youth have completed Grade 12; 5% have some form of tertiary qualification; & 65% are unemployed.
Children & youth growing up in these circumstances face immense challenges that undermine their well-being & development. Through our Family Strengthening Project, our Home-Based ECD Program, & our Zenzele Youth Academy Thandanani works to break these cycles of poverty & adversity by creating opportunities for personal growth, enriched family life, improved educational outcomes, & sustainable livelihoods as we build stronger, more vibrant, families & communities where children are loved, nurtured & protected & youth are supported in pursuing their dreams.
Support our work &, together, let's build a society where every child thrives.