Cause Index

AFM Welfare

AFM Welfare is the official welfare ministry of The Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa (AFM - AGS). It was established and registered as a National Welfare Council in 1945. It promotes welfare work in its broadest sense within South African communities. Some of the most significant challenges people in South Africa face are poverty, crime, family breakdown, AIDS, substance abuse and addiction and violence against women, children and older persons. At the heart of AFM Welfare is the desire to care for and protect, to uplift and develop, to lend a helping hand to those in need. Helping others to help themselves is the ultimate success of empowerment and upliftment.
The work of AFM Welfare includes the establishment and management of institutions for children and older persons. Across 8 Provinces of South Africa the uMephi programme gives 450 children in need a home and a family, regardless of race, religion or nationality. We also make provision for the care and protection of frail older people in 4 facilities - Touwsriver, Sarepta, Kuilsriver and Vue de Cap. We are proud of our 5 Retirement Villages that remain a popular choice for people over the age of 50 years.
Our vision is to expand our community development programme called uManelisi – working with and through churches for reaching and impacting South African communities. We believe the church is ideally positioned to bring needed change to the lives of many people across South Africa. Working with churches nationwide, equipping them with practical tools and programmes for community involvement, stands centre-stage.