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Dare Restoring Worth NPC

Dare Restoring Worth NPC (Non-Profit Company) is a Youth Mentorship and Coaching Academy established in 2013.
We mentor and coach youth that are from disadvantaged backgrounds, who are vulnerable and excluded. We focus on Work Readiness and Active Citizenship, and our programmes approach is centred on exposure and experiential learning.
PROBLEM STATEMENT South Africa is rated as one of the most unequal societies in the world, and Covid-19 has widened this gap, with the unemployment rate going up and inequalities increasing, just to name a few.
In South Africa, the youth constitute more than a third of the population, with those within the age of group 15 to 34 constituting 34.7% of the population (2020 Statistics South Africa Mid-term Population Survey). Bearing this in mind, young people continue to face serious challenges, and key amongst them is the problem of structural unemployment, and the youth need to be included in decision making decision-making processes about our lives and the future, but it is unfortunately not the case. The youth are not given enough opportunities of capacitation to develop personal and leadership skills, nor given enough platforms for their voices to be heard and take part in sustainable solutions decisions concerning the future, a future they will be a part of.
Youth from disadvantaged backgrounds, who are vulnerable and excluded lack access to critical human skills development such as communication, collaboration and problem solving, which enable young people to become adaptable, lifelong learners. The lack of these life skills widens the gap of adequate access to equal opportunities. Possessing such life skills results in improved outcomes in school, work, life and communities. Our programmes are thus designed with a focus on personal and leadership development, work readiness and active citizenship.
The youth need to be more involved, equipped and resourced so that they can meaningfully contribute towards the development of the country and to be part of the change required to address the inequalities within our society and advance it forward, and global community.
WHY WE EXIST To drive meaningful socio-economic transformation in South Africa through YOUTH empowerment by way of active economic participation and citizenship.
For any change to take place it needs to be a collective effort, hence we work through an intergenerational partnership of knowledge and relevant skills transfer. We expose young people to opportunities that help them access personal and leadership development and plan their career paths, and we encourage and support Youth-Led projects with the necessary skills required to plan and deliver sustainable projects in their communities. Through collaborations new ideas and solutions are dis-covered and formed to meet the needs within their local communities and make a meaningful difference in the society – with a global perspective inspired by the United Nation’s SDGs. We value: Learning | Leadership | Well-being | Service | Sustainability OUR THEORY OF CHANGE With South Africa being rated as one of the most unequal societies in the world, and the non-involvement and exclusion of the youth in solving societal issues, we believe that IF we mentor and coach young people from diverse backgrounds on leadership and social responsibility, THEN they will be able to identify, access all available developmental opportunities and be resourced, THEREFORE adequately contributing to reducing the gap for equal opportunities for and in the society. Our work is aligned to UN Sustainable Development Goals: SDG3 – Good Health and Well-being | SDG4 – Quality Education | SDG5 – Gender Equality | SDG8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth | SDG 13 – Climate Change
#Dare2ShiftMindsets #Dare2Action #Dare4InclusiveDiversity