Cause Index

Dream Star Foundation

What we do
In this age of endless budget cuts and inadequately funded schools, the role in children’s education is more important than ever. You cannot just sit back and let someone else be responsible for providing your child with the tools they need to learn. You can and should take an active role in your child’s education.
For a parent of a special needs child this is an overwhelming task to deal with. Realising to what extent a special needs child is going to have on their lives, the stress of worrying about school fees shouldn’t have to be one of them!
At Dream Star Foundation we host and partake in sporting and fundraising events, raising awareness throughout the community and funds which enable us to assist families with special needs children. Those whose children are in specialised schools that are struggling with the everyday financial strains and wanting the best education for their special needs child.
Mission and Vision
What we have learned from others becomes our own reflection.
Children with special needs can face many issues in getting an appropriate education. Some may need special educational services, while others may need modifications to make school accessible or medical assistance to make it safe.
We strive to assist and raise awareness throughout the community for the voices of these special needs children.
Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.
The Dream Star Foundation