Cause Index

Durban Society For Youth Development

To empower at least 60 (10/month, or more) youth, to gain entry into their desired careers (study, employment or business funding)
i.e. 2 scholars, 2 under-grads, 2 post-grads, 2 non-graduate job seekers, and 2 emerging entrepreneurs

To establish an increased following of at least 6000 youth (1000/month) on our radio feature & Facebook pages

To visit a minimum of 24 sites (4 per month)
i.e. 2 schools, 1 tertiary institution and 1 community (every weekly)

To raise and effectively have utilised R500 000, by 15 December 2019
(to make a lasting positive difference to thousands of peoples lives per month – by maintaining and improving DSYD)