Cause Index

Egoli Blind

n order to achieve its vision Egoli Blind provides the following to its members as well as the visually impaired community within its area of operation:
o Support to recently blinded people;
o Assistance to visually impaired people with reference to job placement and the improvement of working conditions.
o Advise people of and refer where necessary to rehabilitation facilities.
o The collection and dissemination of information relevant to visually impaired people.
o Creating awareness among visually impaired people of the services provided by Blind SA i.e.:
 Braille training;
 Literature;
 Study bursaries;
 Loan facilities;
 Education;
 Employment and careers;
 Advocacy;
 Blindness-related information;
o Orientation and mobility;
• Support to parents of visually impaired children ‘and’ visually impaired learners relating to educational matters;
• Support to visually impaired senior citizens;
• A forum for networking among visually impaired people;
• Creating an awareness among the sighted public of blind people and blindness-related matters.
o Our Values
• Quality of life
• Dignity
• Equality of all people and equal opportunities