Cause Index

Heroes 4 Action

South Africa, a population of 56 million people, (excluding immigrants), and nearly 40% is unemployed. In 2015/ 16, 15 million people worked, and 17.9 million got Government grants. Now 2017, 9.6 million people are officially unemployed (Stats SA). The colorful rainbow is fading to gray. We can no longer ignore the impact on welfare and humanitarian level.

Our main goal is to support Job Creation Projects from Grassroots level. Encourage entrepreneurship and support specific, target related skills training. This will be combined with taking care of the overall well-being of the individual, psychological and physical. Personal growth includes restoring of hope, dignity, self-worth, trust and moral values. Working together for a better future, showing we care, because that's what Heroes do!

Heroes 4 Action saw the need in support for talented people on foot level that are able to create jobs from grassroots level. It is not enough to just hand out food parcels today and tomorrow the people are forgotten again. Hundreds of talented people lost everything due to unemployment and circumstances out of their control. Funding is not easily available and minority groups are completely excluded. We want to support every single person who have the potential, will and determination to rise above poverty. We believe everybody deserves a fair chance in life and that is exactly what we want to give. A fair chance. If you can’t do it, at least support those who can and want to. Give them the tools, give them the opportunity!

We will interact on a personal level and also support those involved in projects with the transition back to life in normal society. This will include counselling where needed. Please support us and help to improve the overall life of the poor, vulnerable, abused and destitute.

Our research have also shown the huge lack of support for Single Educated Destitute Woman, without children. They end up homeless, on the streets, being used, abused, exploited as drug induced prostitutes and most dangerously are targets for Human Trafficking. Please support us to prevent them going through these horrors and help them integrate back into society. We will as far as possible involve those woman in our projects.

Thank you!