Cause Index

Bokamoso Bo Bontle

Bokamoso Bo Bontle is a non-profit organization registered in South Africa. We aim to help children who have been victims of HIV/AIDS. Bokamoso Bo Bontle means a better future in Setswana, this is our hope for these children.

Our Objectives

To recruit vulnerable children victim of HIV/AIDS into the kingdom of
God where they will be taught values such as love, respect, honesty,
hard-working, Commitment, Spontaneity, and the fear of God.

To take care of their basic needs such as food, toiletries, school uniforms including shirt, skirt, shorts, shoes and school bags.

To empower them through education by facilitating access to school,
library and extra classes in case a need arises.

To work in collaboration with other organizations that deal with food
access to households.

To facilitate and encourage any effort that could help to curve the effects of HIV/AIDS in the community.