Cause Index

GBV Prevention and Intervention

Lorraine Khoza Foundation (LKF) is a dynamic non-profit organisation that was founded out of the increasing need for a dedicated and caring organisation for victims and survivors of gender based violence.
In it’s various forms, abuse has cemented it’s oppressive presence in many of our lives because the voice against abuse and gender based Violence needs to find it’s power.
ViSION To build and strive for a safer and Gender-Based Violence - free society, one where women and children can live freely without the fear of being violated. To be a reliable advocate for the marginalised groups in society championing equal gender rights and empowering opportunities.
MISSIONON Our primary and foremost purpose of existence is to assist victims of Gender-Based Violence with support services as well as intervention and prevention initiatives prioritizing disadvantaged communities, mostlytownships and rural areas.
Programs and Outcomes since inception: The day to day operations of the organizations are: • Assisting victims of GBV with counselling • Placing victims in shelters • Assisting victims with reporting cases and all legal steps to be taken thereafter • Monitoring and assessment of survivor’s progress • Victim empowerment
SERVICES: Gender-Based Violence support services, intervention and prevention programs.
1. SUPPORT SERVICES: - Counselling - Legal Advice and assistance - Shelter services
2. PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION PROGRAMS -To provide gender-based violence awareness and educational initiatives and programs -To provide mentorship programs for young boys and men -To provide empowerment programs for young women including survivors and victims to help claim their lives back and lessen dependency on their male counterparts - To collaborate and coordinate with government departments and agencies in developing policies that are responsive to the call of Gender-Based Violence. -To collaborate with other NPOs who are advocating for the rights and interests of women and children.