Cause Index

GiveLight South Africa

GiveLight South Africa is a non-profit organisation that has a holistic approach to the care of orphans and children at risk. Connect your heart to GiveLight SA and help bring our children home.

These children do not choose to be orphans, or to be abandoned by drug addicted parents and placed with some abusive guardian. We do have a choice, to nurture and protect them and provide a holistic upbringing so that they emerge as productive members of society.

Since 2016 we have been working to establish GLSA with the vision in mind of building a children's village for up to 100 orphans and children at risk.

We have secured 4000 sqm of vacant land in Schaapkraal, Cape Town. We are currently raising R3 million to fund the purchase of land and start the planning processes. This land will be declared waqf (endowed), with GLSA as the custodians.

GiveLight Foundation (USA) has pledged the funds to build our children's village as well as to subsidise the running costs.

We invite you to connect your heart to GiveLight South Africa and be part of the village that raises our children!