Cause Index

ICare Childrens Foundatio

ICare Childrens Foundation had its origin in 2002. Due to a lack of role models and opportunities, the youth tend to turn to gangsterism. Poverty is the direct cause of problems such as poor family structures, neglect, street children and various other forms of social degradation and challenges. The youth need to empower themselves through acquiring skills which could develop a sense of self-worth, an ability to help themselves and, most importantly, to rise above their difficult circumstances or conditions.

iCare's Vision is to be the leading organization in the provision and supply of support structures in social services, thus bringing about constructive changes in the physical, social, educational and spiritual lives of all concerned, irrespective of race or religion.

iCare's Main Objective is to provide assistance to the orphans, destitute, disabled and elderly by providing food, clothes & education, & empowerment of youth & women by providing basic gear for generating income.