Cause Index

Inanda Youth Development

Since its origin, this township displays all the characteristics of similar settlements across South Africa, and currently there is still a great need for major economic initiatives that could help develop the area. This township constitutes one of the largest accumulations of low-income residential families in South Africa. The area comprises of 16 wards, with a large number of informal settlements, limited basic service infrastructure, inadequate recreational and social facilities. The population in Inanda is increasingly youthful with high unemployment, high levels of poverty, high levels of crime, and low levels of education. Which is why there is a great need for designing and implementing integrated antipoverty strategies in this area, and it should become a high priority. Undoubtedly, education still remains the key to unlocking the future of South African youth, especially those in marginalised communities. In the context of youth development, poorly resourced schools are amongst the key issues that need addressing. This situation limits young people from discovering their potentials, skills and talents. Compounded by the poor home background, these conditions tend to result with an increase in the numbers of school dropouts in the area. Even for those learners who are able to persevere until they complete grade 12, most of them see this point as “the end of the road”. In many cases, their aspirations are diminished by the reality of their current situations. The lack of knowledge, support and guidance are a major challenge. Eventually, they get involved in antisocial activities viz. crime, teenage pregnancy, and alcohol and drug abuse