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Islands Mission

Island Mission is a non-governmental organisation. It was founded in 1997 in South Africa and now registered under N° 2012/01/17699/08 NP, Section 21 organization in associate with Church Of The Nation and other Worldwide organizations.

It is known from its base of a spiritual, social and economic nature.

Island Mission works towards any political end, neither doctrinal, nor lucrative.

It comes to assistance of the populations forgotten in order to initiate them with the knowledge of Christ starting from the bible in order to establish churches, and to identify their economic socio needs with the concern of supporting them few manners that are to be created by themselves their development in the respect of their customs and habits, on the one hand, and on the other hand of their environment and often ignored cultures.

With its beginning in 1997: IM started the opening of its activities to encourage the population with the daily reading of the bible and inculcated obedience in the divine Scriptures, from village to village in remote places which were not even on the map.

In this period, the founder of IM: Dinah Ratsimbajaona and its family propagated the bible within superstitious villager and animists in order to lead them to the base of the knowledge of God, contrary to their practices and beliefs.
They have creates a new framework of discovery of the word of God.

With this intention, bibles are provided with the help of a price accessible to all. They invited the members of the community in one moment of prayer.
Between 40 to 60 people, disciples having embraced the Faith of Christ were identified in various villages as being “Men of Peace” were taken in hand to be formed and this for a three years period.

This formation first of all consisted to deepen the bible, to know to teach it and practise it in action. These people receive other trainings in leadership for their possible function of guide and management of the established community and the expansion of the activities. In four years, 40 churches were established in 40 different villages.

From 2001 to 2003: A second launching period of establishment of churches was launched in the surrounding villages. 80 new churches were installation.

In 2006: By the unit “Global Positioning System” (GPS), hundreds of villages lost in the middle of the tropical east rainforest of the island were located and traced on a map. The population resident, although illiterate deserves to receive the knowledge of the bible. Islands Mission exploited this high technology (GPS) to be used to locate the site of these villages. Nearly 200 churches would be likely to be established.

At the end of 2008 to 2009: The team of IM indexed on the map approximately 1,300 villages in this tropical forest. The exploitation of the reliable data allowed the establishment of 600 churches in these villages.

In 2010, the experiments showed that the churches multiply in a natural way, but the strategy to be implemented for the realization of the vision of IM would consist in acting, not only to convert disciples, but especially to identify makers of disciples, which in their turn, will generate other makers of disciples and so on.

In 2011: This stage, the process of growth of the movements was in conformity with the rhythm established by well defined stages of expansion and consolidation, which is reinforced by a meeting of reflexion and planning which proceeds periodically. Until now, nearly 1350 churches are already installed.

The process started to show its potential of effectiveness in the responsibilisation and the spiritual enabling of a large number of followers with the result that currently more than 1500 new churches are established in the east rainforest of island and that in each one of these villages, a community of believers, disciples of Jesus Christ in circle of studies and prayers is functional.

IM contributes to the creation of a durable and more equitable village community while mobilizing and by reinforcing the capacity of identified individuals called “Men of Peace” sensitive to the reception of the Words of Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit.

These devoted and voluntary people share acquired knowledge of the bible. They consolidate the spiritual activities already undertaken, sensitize the followers with the practical application of the lavished teaching, whose impact would be a transformation of the daily life of the disciple, and especially proceed to the establishment of Churches in their respective communities.

They identify, thereafter, the crucial social needs for the community and the village. They maintain the value the social solidarity starting from suggested and/or concerted class action suits, while not carrying not reached with the safeguarding of the inheritance and the culture.

As a non-governmental organisation, the purpose of IM are to promote, lead or support by formations, the activities of development of the community.

IM meets the urgent needs of the community while transmitting the values who animate them such as: the respect and the valorization of the human resources, the sharing and relief , the consideration of the people and the families of the village.

With a view to social and economic innovation, primarily by the spiritual transformation of its disciples, with a unified vision, IM fight according to an organic growth and natural with the realization of results of development of its vision.