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Walk Of Dignity

Insipired by the late Mbambeni Robert Ndaba, KAMBAMBENI FOUNDATION was founded by his daughter, Ndiswa Ndaba as a homage to practices of Ubuntu she witnessed from him regularly.
Today Ndiswa Ndaba takes on a 720km cross-country in that same spirit of Ubuntu. The philosophy 'I am because we are' as she walks for the dignity of others in an effort to raise funds that'll eradicate that water,sanitation and hygiene deprivation of 10 schools in KwaZulu-Natal.
This is fitting as Walk Of Dignity by KAMBAMBENI FOUNDATION is a continuance of MR Ndaba's career and passion in education.
Every step bridges inequalities and every walk is a commitment to restore the health, dignity and sound education of South African youth by leaving footprints of a social justice that is a catalyst for societal transformation