Cause Index

Karoo Disaster Relief NPC

Karoo Disaster Relief NPC is a Non-profit company established to provide physical relief and related support to areas affected by natural and man-induced catastrophes.

Our goal is to support and where applicable help direct the provision of aid and subsequently also to help rebuild institutional capacities within areas affected by calamities of various forms.

The past decade has seen an increased prevalence of natural disasters and indications show that this trend will continue. Karoo Disaster Relief NPC was born out of the collective concerns of various individuals who feel it is their responsibility to be prepared for and help organise an adequate response to current and future crises. As well as to provide a vehicle to raise funds and awareness to support the areas affected by these disasters.

Karoo Disaster Relief NPC t/a Klein Karoo Disaster Relief has a specific focus on the agricultural sector, as a backbone of the South African economy and major employment contributor, during times of prolonged drought, excessive flooding, wildfires and biological outbreaks.