Cause Index

Kindness Corporation

When gratitude and empathy makes your heart too big for your chest, what do you do? Find avenues to express kindness.
What happens when you find likeminded people whose hearts pop out of their chests as well? You make them Board
Members and take them along with you on a journey to establishing an NPO with the aim of bringing aid and relief to those who need it most! Result?
An NPO called Kindness Corporation!
How we go about it?
When we decided on a value set, it was an easy process. All on the same page from the get go! We value fairness, sincerity and transparency.
How would be achieve our mission? Each case would be brought forward to the board and assessed by our specialists and then measured against our value set, and based on the result, we offer help/aid/assistance the appropriate form. We tend to keep it simple!
The nature of our projects are varied but focussed and allow us to provide assistance in a rather hands on way.
Broader programmes are all Life Skills based as we believe that empowering all communities brings about a richer life experience and in a small way contributes to a better understanding of self and others. The outreach programmes are mainly to provide the basics, food and clothing to communities where the need exists. In essence, we hope to feed the needs of the body and soul and mind.