Cause Index

Love your Nuts

Our Purpose
The goal of Love Your Nuts (LYN) is to raise awareness of (testicular) cancer by educating communities about the rarely spoken about cancer that often remains undetected in young adults due to our diverse society in South Africa, where cultural taboos, stigmas and a lack of knowledge about the subject is widespread.

What we do
We believe that no men would die of testicular cancer if they knew about this young man’s cancer and were aware of how to prevent it.

Boys/men die for the following 2 reasons:
1. During puberty the body changes. Boys feel these lumps but think it is part of growing up. So they think it will go away again. If they knew that it could be cancer their lives could have been saved!
2. Men feel the lumps but find it too embarrassing to go to the doctor. If they knew that it could be cancer their lives could have been saved.

If we can bring awareness to all boys/men in an early stage in their lives they will be saved. Knowledge and early detection is the best weapon against cancer!

This can be changed through LYN awareness where men which know their bodies can have a better outcome and have a chance of correct diagnosis and hence treatment. Testicular cancer is one of the most common cancers in males aged 15-39, which are young teenagers and their fathers (Reference: CANSA – Men’s Health).