Cause Index

Malamulele Onward

Malamulele Onward (MO) exists to improve the quality of life of children with Cerebral Palsy and their caregivers living in underserviced rural areas We want to explore sustainable solutions whilst increasing our reach. The organization grew out of a successful pilot project to Malamulele in far northern Limpopo in 2005. Malamulele Onward provides providing specialised therapy services (physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy) to children with CP living in underserviced rural areas; caregiver training, equipment and assistive devices; as well as support and training to rehabilitation workers.
The organization's five main activities are:
• Skills development and training of health-workers through accredited courses
• Mentoring and support to rehabilitation staff at primary health care facilities in rural areas
• Improving caregivers knowledge and understanding of CP, its causal factors and how they can help their children at home through the Carer-2-Carer Training Programme.
• Direct therapeutic service provision to enable caregivers to understand, communicate with and to enjoy their children whilst decreasing the burden of care. Provision and fitting of equipment and assistive devices is one component of direct therapeutic service provision.
• Researching best practice and causal factors.

Our beneficiaries are black African children moderately to severely disabled by cerebral palsy and their caregivers (usually mothers or grandmothers) living in the most rural and disadvantaged areas of South Africa. These children have little or no access to specialized therapy and equipment, there are little or no support systems for families and the burden of care for their caregivers is high.