Cause Index


Nakhlistan assist the less fortunate within our community. The assistance is manifested through Soup Kitchens, Feeding Schemes, Ramadaan Fitrah Parcels, Iftaar [Breaking of Fast] to the Underprivileged, Monthly Necessities Distributed to Needy Families and
the Eid-ul-Fitr Feeding Scheme. (now extended to Eid-ul-Adha and Muharram).
This is in addition to providing an efficient Janaazah/Burial Service, hosting programmes. Nakhlistan was founded 36 years ago by a group of friends, who saw the need within the community in 1984, decided to cook two pots of food to be distributed to the poor and needy.

Nakhlistan has become a household name, synonymous with caring for the needy and cooking of huge pots of food for istribution amongst the less fortunate.