Cause Index

Nosh Food Rescue

The NOSH project is focused on the rescue, repurposing, and redistribution of wholesome prepared and perishable food items at the retail and commercial level. The food is redistributed directly to individual recipients, within the Johannesburg Metropolitan area. NOSH is positioned as a non-profit co-operation between the food retailer and the hungry and supports a network of shelters.

Our work involves the sourcing and distribution of wholesome food, through a defined network.
Our infrastructure includes:
Office and administration services
Kitchen and preparation
Service delivery and business activities
Current area - Gauteng, spanning from Randburg to the West Rand and Midrand.

There are four main areas of focus to enable the reduction of waste, which NOSH will focus on:

1. Field Gleaning
The collection of crops from farmers’ fields that have already been mechanically harvested or on fields where it is not economically profitable to harvest.
2. Perishable produce salvage
The collection of perishable produce from wholesale and retail sources, including wholesale markets, supermarkets and farmers’ markets.

3. Perishable and prepared rescue
The collection of prepared foods from the food service industry, including restaurants, hospital, caterers and cafetarias.

4. Non-perishable processed
The collection of processed foods, usually with long shelf lives, from sources such as manufacturers, supermarkets, distributors, grocery stores and food drives.
3 Year Plan
To be optimally positioned for the promulgation of the Ubuntu Surplus Food Donations Act which will make it mandatory for retailers to co-operate with non-profit organisations to utilise food waste.

This will involve building an impressive track record and capacity to be ready for expansion once this Act is promulgated. This will include:
• Development of the marketplace and virtual network
• Warehousing and distribution network
• Franchising on a national basis
o Availability of resources will determine expansion – significant logistical factors include refrigeration, freezing and perishability of food
Long Term Plan
NOSH’s long-term plan includes:
• Establishment of a restaurant (Best-By Bistro, Dumpster Dinner, Sell-By Soiree)
• Pay-as-you-feel grocery store
• Training academy for skills development (hospitality industry)
Job creation (from previous food recipients) for own expansion
• Self- sustainability