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All about the One Stop Care-Line Crisis And Trauma Centre (OSCC&TC)
(Sector) Social Services, The goal is to accomplish to care, educate and give important life skills to one hundred thousand Women and children in the next 12 Months. In the Greater Port Elizabeth Municipal District
(Objective1) Self-help and other personal social services, Bridging Home or Safe House
(Theme1) Self-help and other personal social services, Sti/ Hiv/ Aids
(Description1) Programs and services for self-help and development, includes support groups, personal counselling, credit counselling/money management services: Sti/ Hiv/ Aids, Homelessness Battered woman and children,─ •All community members •Prevention/health education •Basic Treatment needs •Counselling/support groups •Training - skills/income generation •Food security •Orphans and vulnerable Children's Home •Strengthening family unit •Disadvantaged children and youth •Psychosocial interventions •Early childhood development •Education- training/skills development •Research/policy development •Advocacy/rights• Gender equality •Poverty alleviation •Environment •Sport Developing skills •Developing skills •Education and training •Job creation outside the company value chain •Community development and support • Conservation and environment •Arts, culture and sports •Disadvantaged children and youth •Population health •Reconciliation and human rights •Education and skills development •Population health •Arts and culture •Environment •Conserving biodiversity and the environment •Addressing education and developing strong, responsible leaders of tomorrow •Reducing poverty and regenerating communities •Developing skills •Combating crime •Empowering women, youth and the disabled •HIV and AIDS prevention, care and treatment •Peace building •Famine relief and food rights •Education• Population health •Reconciliation and human rights ─ Safe house ─ The One Stop Care-Line Crisis and Trauma Centre (hereafter OSCC&TC) was founded in 2002 and registered as an NPO during 2004, with its main objective to bring change in lives of those who are in need of up liftment and those who are in need of special care. Henceforth I ran a home for a period of two years, in conjunction with the welfare and local government. Deon who aimed to supply and give a Bridging Home or Safe House to underprivileged Women and children, rather than to rent a house profitably. Ever since he and the trustees has accommodated street children, full orphans, half-orphans and also children whose parents are unable to attend to their parental responsibilities due to alcohol and drug problems.─ Many individuals with special needs such as cancer suffers, HIV Cases, battered woman and children, people in need of a second chance and many more were cared for. I have seen the rejection by society of these people that still want to work and contribute to life but due to unforeseen situation in their lives, they lost focus. ─ For too long women and children trapped in abusive households in the Greater Port Elizabeth Municipal District had to face the violent reality of having nowhere to run. The cries of these most vulnerable members of our community have not been ignored. After years of planning and preparation, the doors to the first Bridging Home/Safe House in the Eastern Cape South Africa.─ Oscc&Tc has seen that a vast number of vulnerable women and youth at risk remain in disadvantaged situations due to a lack of skills and financial constraints.─ We offer group as well as individual counselling session, as well as other victims of violence in the community who do not wish to stay in a shelter, but are in need of counselling. All our people are from previously disadvantaged low-economic backgrounds. We have some people who have tested positive to HIV/Aids. We treat all our people with respect and sensitivity.─ I could not live my passion, as it should have been due to lack of funds and a big enough premises to house, up lift and educate these people. During the following years up until now, I have been working with great difficulty on a one to one basis with a wide spectrum of people. ─ The women and children in our care have suffered physical and emotional abuse, rape and other traumas related to domestic violence and sexual exploitation. ─ Ever since he and the trustees has accommodated street children, full orphans, half-orphans and also children with counselling and support whose parents are unable to attend to their parental responsibilities due to alcohol and drug problems. ─ The OSCC&TC is active in the Eastern Cape, the poorest of regions in South Africa, with its focus mainly in Port Elizabeth and surrounding areas. ─ Poverty the main reason, we are faced with homelessness, street children, battered woman and children, prostitution, HIV cases, etc. Homeless and poor individuals are open to the drug and prostitution. A hungry and cold person will do crime to survive, eventually ending up in jail. ─ Hunger is the most severe form of poverty and can cripple entire communities. Amongst the most vulnerable children in the world are orphans. ─ These vulnerable people need be housed, to be fed, educated and placed back into society. ─ It is also an important aim of the OSCC&TC to perform its functions with as much community involvement as possible. ─ The OSCC&TC short and long-term program where the destitute can find a true new life to recovery will be implemented as funding could be found. The Centre will then be able to educate the loved ones with important life skills to go back in life. ─ The Centre does not only want to save the person from their misfortunes but would like to educate them and prepare them for a re-entry into ordinary life. ─ The OSCC&TC continues on its’ responsive journey, and invites you to join us in caring for all those who choose to seek care and support here and for all who work daily to make this care possible. ─ The OSCC&TC kindly request financial assistance to make this Centre possible to be the first multi-purpose Centre in South Africa. ─ The Centre needs to accommodate, counsel and skill two hundred and fifty short and long term and one thousand to one thousand five hundred none so desperate individuals. The goal is to accomplish to care, educate and give important life skills to one hundred thousand Women and children in the next 12 Months. ─ Any relevant information needed in connection with the constitution of The One Stop Care-Line and Trauma Centre will be forwarded to you on request. ─ The project aims at offering a stable, family-like home with a regulated daily routine for the children and allowing for a suitable school qualification. ─ Comprehensive day care, assistance with homework and additional extracurricular activities prepare the children for future demands of life. ─ By doing this the children will also learn about social behaviour patterns which in turn will strengthen their self-confidence and will ease integration into society. ─ It was by pure chance that Deon became aware of this a Bridging Home/Safe House, and they decided immediately to assist with the ( Helping Battering Women/ Woman and Children Abuse/ Assist Woman with Breast Cancer/ Assist Children with Cancer/ Cancer/ Psychiatric problems/ Mental disorder/ Physical disability/ Alzheimer’s dementia/ Down Syndrome/ Terminal disease/ Visual impairment/ Drug and Alcohol Abuse/ Disabled Children/ Unmarried women with disabilities/ Abandoned widows/ Old Aged/ Sti/ Hiv/ Aids. Financial means are scarce, because the project is entirely financed privately, that is without any support from the state. ─ It has been noted that Women and Children with Psychiatric problems, Mental disorder, Physical disability are been used for in gang rape. ─ A full-time social worker will be at full assistance to the residents for counselling and support. We aim to empower the women through skills training and support them by means of arranging a crèche for their children when they have found employment. ─ Nothing ─ We see that they receive legal aid and comprehensive medical care. ─ The Oscc&Tc Bridging Home or Safe House we believe in helping these women spiritually, emotionally and physically. ─ Consequently, we will take our residents to activities such as spiritual up-liftment and arrange professional people to present courses, covering ─ ■Relationship skills (Friendship/ intimacy skills); ─ ■Employability skills (interviewing, CV’s, work-preparedness, Job skills); ─ ■Environmental skills; ─ ■Financial skills (Budgeting, bank usage); ─ ■Home making skills; ─
■Learning/education skills; ─ ■Life planning skills (Self managing skills, Personal development, Self-improvement skills); ─ Capacity building by empowering through on-site trade classes. ─ ■Social & civic skills; To combat this Oscc&Tc offers vulnerable women and youth at risk within the community the opportunity to learn a skill. Most of the projects within this program allow them to earn whilst they learn. The vulnerable are also offered holistic programs. Personal development workshops, counselling, entrepreneurial workshops, personal finances, assessment by an occupational therapist), which are run by the Oscc&T Centre within the skills training program include basic and advanced sewing, a business outsource centre, computer training, welding, woodworking, arts and crafts*, pottery/art studio. During their stay, they continue to work closely with their social worker/counsellor in preparation leaving the safe house, and becoming independent contributors to society, who have overcome their challenges. ■Effective parenting skills (child development); providing services to persons with disabilities, protective workshops, training centres, projects and child day care centres. To promote the advancement of people with disabilities to enable them to attain their maximum level of independence and integration in the community and to prevent the occurrence of physical disablement. Funding ─ The purpose of all these different courses is for the women to take full control of their lives when they re-enter their community. The women should therefore learn to control their personal budgets, shopping and manage day-to-day situations that may arise. ─ To bring healing to families we arrange separate counselling for the men, which includes anger management and the “twelve steps” program. When the time is right we also arrange couple’s counselling. ─ On an on-going basis we are extremely busy caring for the women and children who are in need of a shelter in crisis. Sadly, we find that the need for the services, which we provide, is not diminishing at all - rather it is increasing on a daily basis. ─ Consequently, we need a Building for the Safe House in order to accommodate more two hundred short and long term and one thousand - one five thousand none so desperate individuals. We are now exploring new avenues to generate a Building fund for this purpose. Being able to meet the needs of the women and children in our care is both a priority and a privilege. ─ Surrounding rural communities settlements around Port Elizabeth being one of the most purist Provence’s in South Africa, it is also sadly a Provence’s of great disparity which includes many farm and rural communities, as well as informal settlements. ─ The scourge of domestic violence, rape and abuse reaches far beyond just the victim and their immediate family, it reaches even beyond their community - it reaches out and affects entire nations. ─ Oscc&Tc does not offer a one stop solution to this problem, but does offer the victim a safe haven in which to recuperate and make informed decisions on their futures. ─ Oscc&Tc will be the first multi-purpose safe houses, situated in Port Elizabeth, which serve not only the women and children of the Port Elizabeth region, but the entire Eastern Cape. Victims are referred to the safe house program by the South African Police Service, the Magistrates Court, Social Development Organisations, hospitals, social workers and other professionals, and may stay for up to three months, depending on the victim’s situation. ─ During the stay at the safe house the Women victims will be encouraged and empowered to overcome their situation, and become victors as opposed to victims. Life is kept as normal as possible for the victims, if they are employed or studying they’re encouraged to continue, should they be unemployed or temporarily unable to return to their place of work, they are encouraged to make use of the skills training program offered at the Oscc&T Centre. ─ UN studies have shown that this scourge costs countries billions of dollars each year - in medical costs, legal costs and in lost production while the victim recuperates, seeks alternative accommodation and puts her life back together.

All the Governments let you donate money from your income and then they will give that money off from the tax you would have had to pay anyway. So I see it as a way to personally put your money where “you think the government should“.

Our Mission is to make a difference in the lives of women and children in Port Elizabeth that find themselves in abusive circumstances and to aid them in any way possible. To achieve this we need to purchase a building for the first Bridging Home/Safe House place of safety in Port Elizabeth.

P.O Box 1912, Noorsekloof, Jeffrey’s Bay, Eastern Cape, South Africa, 6331
Call: +27 (0) 82 768 1710 - Fax: 086 233 1997

Account name:: One Stop Care-Line Crisis And Trauma Centre
Trading Name:: Oscc&tc Foundation Trust
Bank name:: First National Bank
Branch name:: Fountain Mal Jeffrey’s Bay South Africa
Branch code:: 210515
Account number:: 62352808227
Swift Code:: FIRNZAJJ
A thank you to the following sites:
www. One Stop Care-Line Crisis And Trauma Centre
Facebook:: OSCC TC

The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.