Cause Index

Pink Loerie Foundation

The main purpose of the Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival Southern Africa Foundation are to assist the greater Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ+) community, in supporting causes and charitable events, providing education and awareness programs, and creating an ethos of care within the community and beyond.

To achieve its objectives, the organizations will mainly rely on sponsorship and donation income from the public and corporate sector.

The organizations value the use of spectacle, pageantry, theatre, creativity, recreation, music, design, multi-media, and other forms of artistic expression, to create LGBTQ+ awareness/celebration, eliminate stigma and promote pride-consciousness as a philosophy for living and being well.

A notable accomplishment of Pink Loerie is the charity drive for local charities such as Loeriehof Old Age Home in Graham Street, Vermont Retirement Village, Knysna Animal Welfare, Paula Whitney Preschool and the Mayor’s Relief Fund. The Pink Loerie Mardi Gras & Arts Festival is, therefore, a time of celebration, but a celebration with a purpose.