The Garden Route, for all its reverential beauty and attraction, is (like so many natural forest biomes) facing many issues that have the potential to undermine its status as a natural biosphere and tourist attraction.
Precious Tree Project is an independent not-for-profit organisation (NPO 206-255) on a mission to grow plant millions of indigenous and endemic forest trees along the Garden Route District and use this as a vehicle to:
1. Create much needed employment for the youth in the area (by planting trees and basic clearing of properties along the Garden Route)
2. Generate LED – by the creation of mini satellite nurseries along the Garden Route where PTP will purchase the trees from them for planting out along the GR)
3. Reduce the risk of runaway fires the GR is prone to experiencing – by establishing thick carefully selected fire corridors of indigenous trees and by facilitating the clearing of invasive saplings and trees (non-indigenous) that cover an uncomfortably large number of private properties in the GR.
4. Regenerate endemic forest areas by planting out bio-mimicked patches of endemic and indigenous forest trees in carefully selected areas along the GR
5. Rehabilitate private properties that have been devastated by the fires of 2017 and 2018.
6. Re-attract insect and wild life to the region and creating a haven for our existing wildlife (elephants, caracals, etc) – by re-growing and thickening out our forest areas that have diminished as a result of development, pine plantations, fires, etc.
7. Upskill community members - by training them in a range of skills that can afford them an opportunity to bring in a household income such growing trees, creating by-products to sell from clearing efforts, food gardens, composting, vermiculture …
8. Address climate change and provide a measure of carbon offsetting in our area by planting out millions of indigenous trees along the GR.
9. Assist other NPO initiatives (enviro-socio-eco-) in much need of financial assistance.
10. Promote Community Integration and Upliftment through training and education initiatives
11. Green up the Tourism Industry along the GR.
Planting trees is simply the coolest, greenest, most hip, happening and far reaching contribution that you can make to the Earth and future generations.
Every one of us has an impact upon the Earth and our environment. You can lessen this impact and give back with a precious gift to the world. Gifting or sponsoring the planting of a Tree contributes towards the lives of current and future generations, compensates for your greenhouse gas emissions and begins to off-set your carbon footprint.