Cause Index

Rebecca's Well

Statistics show that rising poverty in South Africa has caused over two million to become homeless and 1 in 4 South Africans live in substandard accommodations. Many of these families are headed by under-resourced young mothers in need of a second chance. Yet without job skills, prospects or other options many are forced to live in unsafe conditions and engage in risky behavior in order to survive. Additionally it has been reported that every four minutes a person is raped in South Africa. This is cuts across racial and socio-economic lines. It is because of the high incidents of poverty, violence and abuse that Rebecca’s Well offers oases, safe places where teenage girls, women and their families can find refreshment, healing, restoration, renewal, new direction and a transformed life. Our CAPACITY BUILDING, HEALING AND MICRO-ENTERPRISE PROGRAMMES are holistic and life transforming for the women we serve. Women, families and communities are empowered emotionally, physically and spiritually.