Cause Index


REPSSI is a not for profit organisation incorporated under section 21 of the Companies Act of South Africa. REPSSI’s main business is to contribute to lessening the devastating social and emotional (psychosocial) impact of HIV and AIDS, poverty and conflict among children and youth across East and Southern Africa through programmes that strengthen communities and families’ competences to better promote the psychosocial wellbeing of their children and youth.

REPSSI has a number of International Cooperating Partners contributing to funding its “Strategic Implementation Plan 2011 to 2015”. To manage the different reporting agreements the International Cooperating Partners agreed to a joint work plan and budget for each year, joint financial and programming, in accordance with the Paris Declaration even though this was not reduced to a written and signed agreement. The International Cooperating Partners also agreed to 1 full annual audit as sufficient for all and that each of them would be free to call for a separate independent audit should this be necessary during the term of their bilateral agreements with REPSSI.