Cause Index

Sinomlando Centre

Sinomlando is an isiZulu word meaning ‘we have a history’. Sinomlando believes in the value of creating space for any story to be told, with sensitivity to culture, faith, gender and generation a value which is reflected in the vision and mission of Sinomlando. The vision is that people with forgotten, silenced and traumatised memories retrieve their history and develop resilience. To fulfill its mission Sinomlando works with the partnering communities, children, youth and families to retrieve personal and collective stories through oral history and memory work. ‘Resilience is bouncing forward, rebounding and reorganising adaptively to fit new challenges or changed conditions’ (Walsh, 2006).

This view of resilience suggests that all people have an underlying resilience, and in this case the role that Sinomlando plays is not to develop resilience from nothing, rather it is to facilitate a process whereby existing resilience is strengthened.