Cause Index

SPCA Vereeniging and Vanderbijlpark

If you would like to make a donation to the Vereeniging & Vanderbijlpark SPCA complete the block on the right >>>

Our Mission:
It is exactly as our name indicates. Our mission is the prevention of cruelty to animals, by way of education, law enforcement, and pro-active and reactive activities. This means that we are concerned with the welfare of all animals, from the tiniest mouse right up to the largest elephant.

In other words, we freely stick our noses in where there are domestic animals, farm animals, working animals, traction animals, animals reared for food, wild animals, animals used for entertainment and exhibition, animals used in sport, hunting animals, animals placed in danger, animals used for research and so on.

The SPCA is responsible for supporting the SA Police Service in enforcing legislation including but not limited to the Animal Protection Act and the Performing Animals Protection Act.

We do not get money from government and rely on the generosity of individuals and businesses for donations to confront cruelty, promote the welfare of all animals and make us sustainable.

Whether your contribution pays for a packet of cat food, help build a kennel or fights animal cruelty, you can be sure that it will help restore a rescued animal's trust in humans – so thank you!

All donations to the Vereeniging & Vanderbijlpark SPCA are tax deductible. If you are a resident in South Africa and would like a tax deductible receipt issued for your kind donation, please send your request to with proof of the donation attached to your e-mail.

Thank you for caring about animals!