Cause Index


SPD supplies disability services to the Gauteng North region, is directed and guided by fifteen members.....consisting of representatives from schools for learners with special needs, various legal entities, business and local communities. These elected members - from people with disabilities, parents of children with disabilities and concerned citizens from all race, religion, gender and age groups - form our NGO.

The Gauteng North region accommodates approximately 164 000 people with disabilities. Many of them are disadvantaged people with insufficient support systems or personal resources. Their only means of a dignified life lies in a service provider, such as SPD, with its comprehensive service structure and disability management

Our OBJECTIVES are to remove disabling barriers in society, through:
- provision of suitable, affordable and accessible housing
- availability of a care givers resource
- securing rehabilitation services in all areas
- developing communities to improve the standards of living
- preventing the occurrence of disability
- enhancing access to education for all
- facilitation of actions for accessibility into structures, information and all spheres of community living
- provision of assistive devices and accessible public transport
- creating training and employment opportunities
- empowering of people with disabilities to protect their basic human rights
- enlightening society of the abilities of people with disabilities, to change attitudes and enhance acceptance