Cause Index

People of South Africa Fo

The People of South Africa Foundation has been helping children, the elderly, farmers and families in all nine provinces of South Africa since 2007.

We are involved in the establishment of a nationwide network of warehouses and a logistics chain to uplift communities through our incubation farm training academies that will create development, business opportunities and careers for the People of South Africa.

We have provided relief to over 750+ communities around South Africa, assisted farmers, assisted families abroad and also successfully defended communities through our parent, "We are South Africans".

97% of our audited donations go to the vetted people it is intended for, 3% is used for operations.

Direct contributions can be made via EFT:

Account Name: People of South Africa Foundation

[shortened People of South Africa]

Account #: 1050929764

Bank: Capitec Business Bank
(formerly Mercantile Bank)

Branch: Bedford Centre

Branch: 450105