Cause Index

Sustainable Tourism Partnership Programme

The Sustainable Tourism Partnership Programme (STPP), was established implement sustainable tourism practices amongst Small Accommodation Establishment (SAEs) and Smaller Tourism Businesses (Tourism SMMEs) within South Africa. The programme focuses on tourism business communities at a large scale, rather than single business-to-business interventions, and uses Responsible Tourism Guidelines, as set out in SANS 1162:2011 as the backbone of their implementation model. The programme provides practical solutions to the day-to-day management of an SAE and Tourism SMMEs and hand holds businesses through every step of Sustainable Tourism Implementation. The STPP forms partnerships with industry stakeholders and together they develop fit-for-purpose SAE and TSMME specific solutions. The STPP further engages a multitude of stakeholders, including central, regional and local government, corporate South Africa, Tourists, tourism businesses, NGOs, etc. to promote sustainable development. The STPP is a leader in South Africa on Sustainable Development Advocacy in the tourism sector.

Through employing economies of scale, the programme has put into place various offerings for ‘mass participation’ i.e. 10 – 30 establishments at a time – depending on the offering. These include offering such as “Basic Compliance for an SAE” “Greening your Establishment”, “Waste Management Solutions” and “Sourcing Locally”, which are aimed at SAE management, operational staff and community members.