Cause Index

Thando Church

The Church is organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, educational, philanthropic and benevolent purposes. 4.2 The Church is established pursuant to and subscribes to the Statement of Faith which may be amended or repealed only by the Leadership and at least a two thirds vote of the members of the congregation, at a specially convened meeting of the leadership and the congregation on at least thirty (30) days’ notice to the congregation. 4.3 The Church shall have the following specific purposes: 4.1.1 To conduct a Church under the direction of the Lord Jesus Christ and under the leadership of the Holy Spirit in accordance with all the commandments and the provisions set forth in the Holy Bible. 4.1.2 To observe a creed, code of doctrine, discipline and form of worship in accordance with the Statement of Faith. 4.1.3 To establish membership of the Church by congregants subscribing thereto in the manner prescribed in this Constitution. 4.1.4 To establish regular religious services pursuant to Clause 4.1.2 hereof for the fellowship of its congregation.
Initials: 4.1.5 To spread the Gospel through religious services, seminars, crusades, radio, television and social media platforms, establishment of Church literature and the like. 4.1.6 To provide food, clothing and other necessities for the underprivileged and to raise funds for the furtherance of this cause. 4.1.7 To support missionary work and the like. 4.1.8 To promote and encourage co-operation with other similar organisations.