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The 1873 Network

THE 1873 NETWORK is a not for profit, non-partisan organization duly registered in terms of the laws of South Africa to represent the interests of members who include individuals and corporate members, organized into a global community, sharing a common passion and desire to build a new African identity focusing on returning Africa to its 1873 pre-colonial state, united in personality and character.

The patriotism of members of the network knows no geographical but only African values-based limits. This is a network of persons of African heritage including any other person who believes that freedom, respect of the rule of law, choice and knowledge can provide reliable bridges to prosperity.

Our members are African values-based patriots. We are a member driven organization that seeks to foster values-based on action-oriented leadership in Africa especially in the corporate sphere of human endeavors.


To give members a platform to: be inspired, discover, be equipped, associate/connect and share their experiences (IDEAS). The Network is established to support the emergence of the next generation of African State and Non-State Actors in business, politics and civil society who are effective, values-driven and enlightened through knowledge and shared experiences.


To be the world’s largest Afrocentric network.