Cause Index

The EssBee Foundation

The EssBee Foundation believe that the gender inequality gap in South Africa can be significantly reduced via our four initiatives outlined below.

#LetGirlsLearn: We tutor and mentor children, predominantly girls, from disadvantaged backgrounds in South Africa to assist them to excel at school and get placement and funding at tertiary institutions upon matriculation.

#GuideOurGirls: We facilitate tertiary institution visits, corporate visits and job shadowing for our matric girls to guide them with their career decision.

#KeepingGirlsAtSchool: We fund tertiary education, food, accommodation, textbooks and living expenses for our girls and provide them with guidance and mentorship during their transformation from school to tertiary institution.

#PowerWomenEmpower: We provide venture capital and business guidance to small and medium sized female founded enterprises and introduce our entrepreneurs to successful businesswomen and leaders via our annual #PowerWomenEmpower conference.