Cause Index

The Evelyn Foundation

The Evelyn Foundation is a new South African non-profit humanitarian initiative that sets out to transform the lives of abused and neglected children and women through the implementation of programmes relating to health, welfare, and modern and sustainable education for their benefit.

South Africa is our home, and it (like other nations) is also home to numerous challenges in terms of the people and issues facing them. Our specific outreach is to those children, and women, who through abuse and neglect require support in making and/or receiving a sustainable living and liveli-hood. Related statistics show that the situation at a national level is worsening, not yet improving in a proper and noticeable way – and so our aim as a group of people is to provide relief, to initiate projects, and work with others following the same quest.

The Foundation’s founders believe that significant action must be taken to both prevent the abuse of children and women in South Africa by means of awareness-driven programmes and improve the lives of those already affected through the provision of poverty relief and education.

Through the creation and implementation of these programmes in their aid, the Evelyn Foundation aims to provide a ‘breathe of fresh air’ into their lives, beginning a process that can transform them. The Foundation also seeks to implement awareness programmes that target specific areas over time.

Our Goal: A Practical Approach Towards Better Sustainability

The Evelyn Foundation seeks to assist affected children and women in Johannesburg and surround-ing areas, and is currently in the process of formulating its programmes and projects for their bene-fit.

First and foremost, on the health and welfare front, we aim to make generous in-kind contributions of nutritious, healthy foods, household groceries, toiletries (including sanitary-ware) and other common necessities to our beneficiaries as often as we can.

Most of beneficiaries will be identified through communication with various care centres whose sole purpose is to shelter and educate them on a daily basis. Many of these centres strive to make a measurable difference every day, but often lack the resources to do so. Unfortunately, they are often not adequately funded by both the private and public sectors, and the resulting effects have been felt for the most part of ten years. In most cases, they have to go a few extra miles – not an easy task – to get the funding they require, whilst others land up closing their doors permanently.

Our goal is to alleviate the financial burdens placed on these care-centres by provisioning basic necessities to them as often as we can. Further down the line, new projects relating to education and enterprise development will also be formed and implemented for their benefit.

Our Humble Appeal to You

We appeal to you to make a financial contribution of your choosing in support of this initiative which aims to make a considerable and measurable difference in the lives of our beneficiaries. Your generosity and support for our cause will assist in creating new opportunities for South African children and women that need them the most.

We are registered as a Non-Profit Organisation in terms of the relevant Act, and were recently recog-nised by Commissioner for the South African Revenue Services as Public Benefit Organisation with Tax Exemption status (Section 18A of the Income Tax Act), which affords us the opportunity to pro-vide you with a tax-deductible donation receipt for your heart-warming generosity – should you wish to receive a receipt after having made a contribution, please do let us know.

Additionally, we will compile and send you a Certificate of Appreciation as an expression of our gratitude for your support.