Cause Index

The Royal House of Monarchs for Africa

The demand that Governments on all their tiers of governing must govern in transparency. Leaders must be accountable and be willing to fix mistakes as and when needed (committed to restitution) - we demand good governance according to sound principles on all levels of government.

The demand that business organizations care for their workforce by increasing the value of their decision-makers and the productivity of their workforce that will warrant better benefits to all employees. To improve their operational excellence for optimizing their sustainability, thereby creating job security for all. To serve their customers, clients, guests, patients (any supporter) with integrity for mutual long term benefit so that their healthy growth demands more employees to be appointed and trained.

The demand that all not-for-profit organizations engaged in any form of charitable work will be a real Community Benefit Organization delivering verifiable and meaningful benefits to their target groups as promised in their funding application so that they can really help those who need the help of others to help themselves.