Cause Index

Touwsrivier Relieve Fund

Because of the lack of industry in the region, most of the residents depend on social grants and seasonal farm work.
However dire the situation might seem, the community of Touwsrivier are truly special. It is amazing to see how people from all walks of life are pulling together and coming up with solutions to help ease the suffering. One great example is how collaborators are tirelessly working together towards uplifting Touwsrivier back to its former glory as can be seen on 18 July 2023 during the Fab Collab Mandela day Celebrations.
Donations received will go towards helping those persons most in need, every contribution is wholeheartedly appreciated and will make a huge difference while you stand a chance of winning an awesome weekend away for you and your friends!
The Touwsrivier Tourism Association thank you for supporting this great initiative and we hope to welcome you in our town soonest!